Anyone who is overweight will testify that losing weight is not as easy as it seems. The people that are lean, or have gone from fat to skinny will say it’s just a matter of motivation and elbow grease. Although it is not as simple as that. Our environments have waged war on us. Their weapons are sedentary lives and Trans fats of mass destruction. All is not lost though, here are some quick simple tips to get ahead! 1. Substitute Water Our bodies are about 65-70% water. It follows that water would be not only essential, but the best possibly choice of liquids to ingest. In fact, our bodies will sometimes simulate a hunger response, when in reality the body is craving hydration. When hungry, drink a glass or two of water to check if it suppresses your hunger. 2. Chew Your Food Chewing our food very slowly and deliberately has several benefits that are often overlooked. It gives us the ability to relax, and enjoy our meal. Slow chewing is the first, and highly important, step in a complex system of digestion. Besides, if we eat slowly, we might feel full before finishing the whole meal, and can leave the rest for the next meal. 3. Exercise daily How silly of me to include something as obvious as exercise. I did a 30 day trial with waking up, and walking for 30 minutes first thing in the morning. My journal records that I was feeling amazing during the period of time that I was following this habit. 4. Publicize your intentions Start a blog, join a forum, and have other people keep you accountable to help. Tell other people your plan, it would help you get the motivation to go with it! 5. Create a food schedule Plan your day so that you’re eating at approximately the same time each day. This scheduling will incorporate itself into your circadian rhythm, and aid in digestion. 6. Do not over eat Know your limit and stop eating when you are full. I have often been a victim of wanting to finish a meal so that it doesn’t go to waste. This has left me with many a stomach ache. Next time, doggy bag it for later, and don’t hurt yourself! 7.Choose your snacks wisely Put down the Lays® and cheese puffs. Pick up the apple and baby carrots. Make the right decision, I know you can do it. 8.Lifestyle. Remember, it’s not about special diets, or special exercise programs. The real secret is in turning your health into a lifestyle, and focusing on this healthy lifestyle with every choice you make. i'm posting this coz this is the thing that i really want to do since years ago... but failed of course... hahaha the only thing i always do from this list is no. 1... it's not that i want to be annoyingly thin... just need to lose some(a lot of actually) weight take note of no. 4... can all my reader friends give me some motivation??? ideas?? experience??? tq in advance~~ |

Monday, December 6, 2010
8 Tips to Take Control of Your Weight
Friday, December 3, 2010
update pagi buta
assalamualaikum n hye everyone...
actually jap lg dh nk tido dgn hrpn esk boleh bgn awl...
tp tetibe terase nk update blog kesygn ni jap...
minggu ni dpt puasa 1 hari je...
alasannye adalah sbb minggu ni amost everyday tido lmbt...
so x terbgn nk bersahur(sbnrnye minum air je)...
tp minum air tu kira essential la for me...
sbb xleh hidup la xde air ni...
so kesimpulannye dpt puasa ari isnin je...
tp minggu dpn akan berusaha lbih kuat utk puasa 2 atau 3 ari...
klu ikut plan berjimat tu jln la sket...
sbb even x puasa tp mkn sekali sehari jgak...
byk duduk dlm bilik je...
bile dh dlm bilik rajin la sgt nk turun g kafe tu semata nk bli mknn...
ye...mmg sy pemalas bab mkn tp bile mknn ade dpn mata sy akan mkn x igt dunia...
sbb tu impian nk kurus tu simpan je la dl buat mase skrg ni ha...;-P
start minggu ni jgak la right wing DM4 ni ditutup supply airnye...
MasyaAllah...dugaan yg amat mencabar...
dgn cuaca yg sgt2 sejuk skrg ni...
(tp kurang sket la dr mase g ireland dl)
everytime nk g toilet kena menapak ke wing satu lg...
bkn setakat nk mandi, basuh bj, lepas hajat...
nk basuh tgn lpas mkn pun kne jln lbih kurang 5min g toilet br dpt basuh tgn...
tp takpe la...
mama kate tu dugaan...
harap2 org2 yg btolkn tangki tu bleh buat keje dgn cepat n bkak balik water supply ktorg...
urmm...rasenye tu je la yg terfikir nk cite...
ape2 nnt update laen kali la ye...chow~
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Suatu hari ada seorang lelaki
yang menemui Ibrahim bin Adham. Dia
berkata, "Wahai Aba Ishak! Selama ini
aku gemar bermaksiat. Tolong berikan
aku nasihat." Setelah mendengar
perkataan tersebut Ibrahim
berkata, "Jika kamu mahu menerima lima
syarat dan mampu melaksanakannya, maka
boleh kamu melakukan maksiat." Lelaki
itu dengan tidak sabar-sabar
bertanya. "Apakah syarat-syarat itu,
wahai Aba Ishak?"
Ibrahim bin Adham
berkata, "Syarat pertama, jika kamu
bermaksiat kepada Allah, jangan
memakan rezekinya." Mendengar itu dia
mengernyitkan kening seraya
berkata, "Dari mana aku mahu makan?
Bukankah semua yang ada di bumi ini
rezeki Allah? "Ya!" tegas Ibrahim bin
Adham. "Kalau kamu sudah memahaminya,
masih mampukah memakan rezekinya,
sedangkan kamu selalu berkeinginan
melanggar larangan-Nya?"
"Yang kedua," kata
Ibrahim, "kalau mahu bermaksiat,
jangan tinggal di bumi-Nya! Syarat ini
membuat lelaki itu terkejut setengah
mati. Ibrahim kembali berkata
kepadanya, "Wahai Abdullah,
fikirkanlah, apakah kamu layak memakan
rezeki-Nya dan tinggal di bumi-Nya,
sedangkan kamu melanggar segala
"Ya! Anda benar." kata lelaki
itu. Dia kemudian menanyakan syarat
yang ketiga. Ibrahim menjawab, "Kalau
kamu masih mahu bermaksiat, carilah
tempat tersembunyi yang tidak dapat
terlihat oleh-Nya!" Lelaki itu kembali
terperanjat dan berkata, "Wahai
Ibrahim, ini nasihat macam mana? Mana
mungkin Allah tidak melihat
kita?" "Ya, kalau memang yakin
demikian, apakah kamu m asih
berkeinginan melakukan maksiat?" kata
Ibrahim. Lelaki itu mengangguk dan
meminta syarat yang keempat.
Ibrahim melanjutkan, "Kalau
malaikat maut datang hendak mencabut
rohmu, katakanlah
kepadanya, 'Ketepikan kematianku dulu.
Aku masih mahu bertaubat dan melakukan
amal soleh'." Kemudian lelaki itu
menggelengkan kepala dan segera
tersedar, "Wahai Ibrahim, mana mungkin
malaikat maut akan memenuhi
"Wahai Abdullah, kalau kamu
sudah meyakini bahawa kamu tidak boleh
menunda dan mengundurkan datangnya
kematianmu, lalu bagaimana engkau
boleh lari dari kemurkaan Allah?"
"Baiklah, apa syarat yang
kelima?" Ibrahim pun menjawab, "Wahai
Abdullah kalau malaikat Zabaniyah
datang hendak mengiringmu ke api
neraka di hari kiamat nanti, jangan
engkau ikut bersamanya."
Perkataan tersebut membuat
lelaki itu insaf. Dia berkata, "Wahai
Aba Ishak, sudah pasti malaikat itu
tidak membiarkan aku menolak
kehendaknya." Dia tidak tahan lagi
mendengar perkataan Ibrahim. Air
matanya bercucuran. "Mulai saat ini
akut bertaubat kepada Allah." katanya
sambil terisak-isak.
cite ni utk relax ptg2 cmni sambil minum2...hehe
ade yg klaka tp ade yg biase2 je...
it depends on people who read it...;p
Rumput dan Kuda
Seorang guru lukisan sedang melihat kertas lukisan milik pelajarnya yang paling malas.
Cikgu : "Lukisan apa yang kau buat nie Abu, kosong je?"
Murid : "Kuda makan rumput, cikgu!"
Cikgu : "Rumputnya mana?"
Murid : "Sudah habis dimakan kuda, cikgu,"
Cikgu : "Habis tu, kudanya mana?"
Murid : "Sudah pergi, cikgu! Kalau rumputnya sudah habis, buat apa kuda tu masih di situ?"
Cikgu : "Lukisan apa yang kau buat nie Abu, kosong je?"
Murid : "Kuda makan rumput, cikgu!"
Cikgu : "Rumputnya mana?"
Murid : "Sudah habis dimakan kuda, cikgu,"
Cikgu : "Habis tu, kudanya mana?"
Murid : "Sudah pergi, cikgu! Kalau rumputnya sudah habis, buat apa kuda tu masih di situ?"
Pengemis gila
Pengemis : Pak Cik! Kasihanilah saya, saya orang bisu. Bapak : La? Orang bisu tak kan bleh cakap lak?
Pengemis : Eh, salah! Orang tuli, Pak Cik!
Bapak : Tak kan bleh mendengar?
Pengemis : Eh, bukan! Orang buta, Pak Cik!
Bapak : (Sambil mengeluarkan wang receh)Tidak ada duit!!
Pengemis : Itu ada tiga ratus !
Bapak : Katanya buta, tak kan boleh melihat?
Pengemis : Salah lagi. Orang gila, Pak Cik!!
Pengemis : Eh, salah! Orang tuli, Pak Cik!
Bapak : Tak kan bleh mendengar?
Pengemis : Eh, bukan! Orang buta, Pak Cik!
Bapak : (Sambil mengeluarkan wang receh)Tidak ada duit!!
Pengemis : Itu ada tiga ratus !
Bapak : Katanya buta, tak kan boleh melihat?
Pengemis : Salah lagi. Orang gila, Pak Cik!!
Wanita dan Lelaki Tua
Seorang wanita sedang berjalan menuju kearah seorang lelaki tua yang sedang berehat di serambi rumahnya. Setelah tiba, wanita itu berkata, " Saya tengok encik ni ceria aje. Apa rahsia yang menyebabkan encik panjang umur dan sentiasa ceria?"
"Takde rahsia apa pun. Cuma saya merokok 3 kotak besar sehari, minum arak, makan makanan berlemak, makanan segera dan tak pernah sekalipun bersenam", kata lelaki itu.
"Wah! Hebatnya encik", kata wanita itu. "Berapa usia encik sekarang?
"Dua puluh empat."
"Takde rahsia apa pun. Cuma saya merokok 3 kotak besar sehari, minum arak, makan makanan berlemak, makanan segera dan tak pernah sekalipun bersenam", kata lelaki itu.
"Wah! Hebatnya encik", kata wanita itu. "Berapa usia encik sekarang?
"Dua puluh empat."
Teliti itu penting!
Sekumpulan pelajar perubatan berkumpul untuk melihat seorang pensyarah melakukan pemeriksaan ke atas satu mayat..mereka berkumpul mengelilingi tempat mayat itu diletakkan..
"Dalam bidang perubatan, ada 2 kualiti yang sgt penting untuk menjadi seorang doktor", kata pensyarah itu.
"Pertama.., kamu semua tidak boleh jijik melihat mayat", katanya...sebagai contoh, pensyarah itu mencucuk satu jarinya ke dalam mulut mayat, menariknya semula dan menjilat jarinya itu.
"Sekarang, cuba kamu buat", kata pensyarah itu.
Selepas beberapa ketika, barulah mereka mengikut apa yang mereka lihat. Seorang demi seorang memasukkan jari ke mulut mayat dan menjilatnya. Apabila semua pelajar selesai, pensyarah itu memandang ke arah mereka dan berkata....
"Kualiti kedua yang sangat penting adalah pemerhatian yang tajam. Seperti tadi....saya memasukkan jari hantu tetapi menjilat jari telunjuk. ....
"Dalam bidang perubatan, ada 2 kualiti yang sgt penting untuk menjadi seorang doktor", kata pensyarah itu.
"Pertama.., kamu semua tidak boleh jijik melihat mayat", katanya...sebagai contoh, pensyarah itu mencucuk satu jarinya ke dalam mulut mayat, menariknya semula dan menjilat jarinya itu.
"Sekarang, cuba kamu buat", kata pensyarah itu.
Selepas beberapa ketika, barulah mereka mengikut apa yang mereka lihat. Seorang demi seorang memasukkan jari ke mulut mayat dan menjilatnya. Apabila semua pelajar selesai, pensyarah itu memandang ke arah mereka dan berkata....
"Kualiti kedua yang sangat penting adalah pemerhatian yang tajam. Seperti tadi....saya memasukkan jari hantu tetapi menjilat jari telunjuk. ....
sorry i could not update my blog with pictures nowadays...
because as u knew my phone got some probem itself..
n probably will be in ward for a week...
n i probably will only be able to meet it next month...
plus the current phone i'm using now(which is borrowed from mama) really sucks in functioning its bluetooth thingy...
so starting next month i'll be able to update with some pics maybe...
hye everyone...
today is a gloomy day...
mendung je kt luar tu...
tp ujan sket2 je...
weather cmni la yg lemah ni...
sbb my cozy bed mcm memanggil2 je suruh baring atas die...
tp exam x sampai pun sebulan lg...
n i haven't started my revision...
haven't started at all tu tak la...
tp lebih byk la yg blom dr yg sudah...
so, in order supaya luka lame tak berdarah kembali...(chewwah)
i have to study harder now...
harder n smarter n faster...
kne guna ferrari punye engine br bleh sempat...
di samping tu duit pun kne la berjimat cermat yg teramat sgt...
bkn la dh xde duit sgt2 tp ape2 kes pun mmg la kne berjimat...
membazir tu kn amalan syaitan...
lgpun klu abes trus duit yg ade tu...
klu emergency ape cite??
ma, ba, along, angah, abang, kakak2 laen sume ade...
tp klu bleh jimat n save duit sndri nape nk kne guna duit org kn...
laen la in certain cases yg mmg ade berniat nk 'pau' mereka tu....
so pasni salah satu strategi is berpuasa...
niat sebenar nak ganti yg wajib n nk tambah pahala sunat...
tp selain tu, ade jgak advantage laen...
1. jimat mase sbb nk makan je paling2 kejap 30min campur beli la, pilih2 lauk lg, beratur nk bayar lg. tu tak kira makan ngn kawan2 lg...mau 1 mase makan tu bleh la wat study ke compensate tido jap ke...hehe
2. jimat duit pun ye jgak. skang ni satu ari mst at least rm5..pastu kadang2 mlm makan lg klu member2 ajak kluar...dh brape ringgit plak melayang klu makan kt klu puasa mst la makan 1 kali je sehari n selalu nye malas nk kluar bile puasa ni...huhu
3. atas alasan kesihatan juga ye kawan2...bile dh lame x puase, badan dh cm rase makin berat je...bile timbang same plak...nk bwk diri ni nk exercise...hurmmm.....xtau la bile...nk maen netball ke badminton ke xde org offer...nk joging plak cm segan+tkot nk jln kt joging trek tu skang ni slalu ujan...kesimpulannye tu sume alasan...klu nk bleh je pegi ajak sesape...hahaha
so, to sum up all these things, i'm gonna fast starting next week...
n i'm going to study really hard for the next exam...
so that,there will be no regret coming later on...
till then, annyeong!!!
Friday, November 26, 2010
story takleh tido
sebenarnye takleh tido ni...
tgh study sambil men'download'...
tp break jap tetbe teringat kt blog ni...
bile dh namenye story org takleh tido...
maknenye kuar la cite2 lame...
or yg merepek2 kot...
wait n see je laaa ape yg kuar ni...
nk ckp psl ape ea mula2...???
ckp pasal anak sedara br la dl...
lbih kurang 4 minggu lpas sy dgn bangganya telah mendpt ank sedara yg ke-2!!!!!
walaupun bkn ank sendiri tp bangga la jgak...
sbb kire darah daging gak tu kn??
dh 4 minggu...???!!!
time really flies fast~~
sory iq...acik juju terlmbt announce psl iq...
but still, u're always in my heart...
keurigo...nan neo chincha bogoshipeo~~
see u next month...
sgt comel n hensem bdak sorg tu...
tamat kisah ank sedara...
n now tetbe br sedar yg bln lpas x update psl dental intervarsity kn??
punye event yg agak besar n setelah bekerja agak kuat for that...
bleh plak x cite kt cni kn...
mmg la bdak skrg mudah lupe mengalahkn org tua...
tp sbb cm dh agak lapuk event tu...
so xmau la cite dh!!!!
bkn best sgt pun...
penat je cm nk mati...
smpi esoknye tido cm dh x sedar dunia...
klu ade roommate mst die dh pggl dktr nk cnfirmkn idup lg ke x...
nsb baek xde roommate...
hahaha pasal holiday plak!!!!
sehari selepas iq lahir, ktorg satu family g holiday kt melaka...
tp iq tggl la...sape srh kuar lmbt sgt~~~
najla' je la yg dpt ikut...
rupe2nye bdak sorg tu tkot pasir...
igtkn tkot laut ke air ke...
tp mandi pool smpi biru2 xmau kluar plak...
ape name klu kite phobia kt pasir??
nk bg kt najla'...
tp holiday tu mmg best la...
hotel best, journey best, makan best, laut best, swimming pool best...
n plg best almost all family members ade...
walaupun 3 ari je cuti tp rasse cm lame n puas sgt...
xde regret la nk blik usm semula...
2 weeks after that, holiday raye haji plak...
selain dr g tgk iq, stay kt umah je...
tp enjoy sbb puas dpt main ngn najla'...
n selama 4 ari tu, i've become an expert in buat susu n changing diapers!!
ye ke expert??
ala asal si comel tu x nangis kire expert la tu kn??
please say yes!!! (desperate.....)
n rupe2nye jaga bdak ni MMG MEMENATKAN...
ma, how come u're able to take care of us??
u're so great!!!!
even 1 hari jaga pun cm nk pengsan dh...
nsb baek najla' bdak baek..
sng nk jaga...
tq for being so good to me, najla'...
klu x ade yg tok jak yg kne jaga all day long sbb acik juju give up...
seems like i'm suddenly having writing block here...
maybe dh start mengantuk kot...
esok update lg la deh....
goodnight to all...
even though it's already almost morning...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
english is a funny language
this is just for fun too...just like the few older posts~~like to post sth like this more than to write something myself...
In what other language do people drive in a parkway and park in a driveway?
Why does night fall but never break and day break but never fall?
Why is it that when we transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when we transport something by ship, it's called cargo?
Why are people who ride motorcycles called bikers and people who ride bikes called cyclists?
In what other language do they call the third hand on the clock the second hand?
Why is it called a TV set when you get only one?
Why - in our crazy language - can your nose run and your feet smell?
Sometimes you have to believe that all English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane:
If olive oil is made of olives, what do they make baby oil from?
If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian consume?
A writer is someone who writes, and a stinger is something that stings.
But fingers don't fing and grocers don't groce.
If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn't the plural of booth be beeth?
If the teacher taught, why isn't it also true that the preacher praught?
If harmless actions are the opposite of harmful actions, why are shameless and shameful behavior the same?
English is a language in which you can turn a light on and you can turn a light off and you can turn a light out, but you can't turn a light in;
In which the sun comes up and goes down, but prices go up and come down.
In which your nose can simultaneously burn up and burn down and your car can slow up and slow down, in which you can fill in a form by filling out a form and in which your alarm clock goes off by going on.
English is a crazy language. What is it that when the sun or the moon or the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible; and why when I wind up my watch, I start it, but when I wind up this essay, I shall end it?
Tricky Plurals
We'll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes;
but the plural of ox became oxen not oxes.
One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese,
yet the plural of moose should never be meese.
You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice;
yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.
If the plural of man is always called men,
why shouldn't the plural of pan be called pen?
If I spoke of my foot and show you my feet,
and I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?
If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth,
why shouldn't the plural of booth be called beeth?
Then one may be that, and three would be those,
yet hat in the plural would never be hose,
and the plural of cat is cats, not cose.
We speak of a brother and also of brethren,
but though we say mother, we never say methren.
Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him, but imagine the feminine, she, shis and shim.
Lets face it, English is a crazy language!
Why does night fall but never break and day break but never fall?
Why is it that when we transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when we transport something by ship, it's called cargo?
Why are people who ride motorcycles called bikers and people who ride bikes called cyclists?
In what other language do they call the third hand on the clock the second hand?
Why is it called a TV set when you get only one?
Why - in our crazy language - can your nose run and your feet smell?
Sometimes you have to believe that all English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane:
If olive oil is made of olives, what do they make baby oil from?
If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian consume?
A writer is someone who writes, and a stinger is something that stings.
But fingers don't fing and grocers don't groce.
If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn't the plural of booth be beeth?
If the teacher taught, why isn't it also true that the preacher praught?
If harmless actions are the opposite of harmful actions, why are shameless and shameful behavior the same?
English is a language in which you can turn a light on and you can turn a light off and you can turn a light out, but you can't turn a light in;
In which the sun comes up and goes down, but prices go up and come down.
In which your nose can simultaneously burn up and burn down and your car can slow up and slow down, in which you can fill in a form by filling out a form and in which your alarm clock goes off by going on.
English is a crazy language. What is it that when the sun or the moon or the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible; and why when I wind up my watch, I start it, but when I wind up this essay, I shall end it?
Tricky Plurals
We'll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes;
but the plural of ox became oxen not oxes.
One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese,
yet the plural of moose should never be meese.
You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice;
yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.
If the plural of man is always called men,
why shouldn't the plural of pan be called pen?
If I spoke of my foot and show you my feet,
and I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?
If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth,
why shouldn't the plural of booth be called beeth?
Then one may be that, and three would be those,
yet hat in the plural would never be hose,
and the plural of cat is cats, not cose.
We speak of a brother and also of brethren,
but though we say mother, we never say methren.
Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him, but imagine the feminine, she, shis and shim.
Lets face it, English is a crazy language!
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