Wednesday, September 29, 2010


assalamualaikum n hye readers...
actually arini xde semangat nk update bog...
sbb tgh x sihat ni...
juz a few more symptoms to fever...
tp x demam lg...
harap2 jgn la demam...
byk keje x jln nnt...
tp bile pikir balik klu x update arini bile lg nk cerite pasal jamuan raye smlm...
jamuan tu biase2 je...
xde la best cm taun lpas...
n makanan die pun cukup2 je...
cm kt bwh ni haaa...
klu ikutkan mmg la bgs mknn die sederhana je...
tp ktorg dh byr rm10 igt dpt mkn byk2 ke...
raye setaun skali je pun...
cakap klu x cukup kt ats meja bleh tmbh kt blkg...
skali pegi blkg pun mknn dh hampir2 xde dh...
pape pun alhamdulillah n terima kasih kt psg for organizing this event...
n tq dayah sbb bg ketupat palas manis tp best tu...
tgk la betapa bersemangat n serius nye dayah being one of the organizer/exco...
lepas tu cite pasal persembahan plak...
i really anticipate 1st yr student punye persembahan...
but i was disappointed...
bkn la nk kate x best tp sbb diorg buat video n bkn live so audio x dgr n in the end xphm pun ape motif persembahan diorg tu...
but actually diorg ade jgak usaha despite condition diorg yg exam minggu ni... 
sory juniors...
next yr try buat lg happening k...
then persembahan 2nd yr...
nyanyi je so no komen byk2 sbb yg nyanyi kt atas pentas tu mmg have the best voice among us...
amazed dgn suare jiamin n tian hui...
lawak dgn gaya afif n choudhry...
n terpegun dgn 'lady gaga' yg tetbe muncul atas pentas tu...
sory xde gmbr persembahan diorg...
cabutan bertuah plak as usual i never have the luck...
x pernah dpt pun kt mane2 majlis...
tp 2nd yr agak rulez jgak la taun ni...
dgn min jim nye dpt prince of the night...
sbb pnjm bj choudhry...
kire 1MALAYSIA la tu...
lastly amek gmbr byk2...
ngn diba b4 event start...
sbb bile dh start die dh bz...
cun giler diba mlm tu...
two hot girls...
sorg tradisional abes...
yg sorg lg kebiru-biruan bile duk atas stage pgg hadiah...

kami yg xde keje tgh tggu turn nk amek gmbr batch kt atas stage...
exco2 yg bz mase majlis tgh perabih mknn kt meja VIP...

with wan...
tau la gigi hang lawa wan...
senyum cm nk koyak philtrum...

selca ngn diba lg...
sbb die cun sgt so asyik nk amek gmbr ngn die je...

with lysa yg berseri2 mlm tu...
posing ala2 manje gitu...
cm kucing faiz...

roommate yg always melekat cm belangkas...
plus yuni kt blkg...
yg kehadirannye xdiketahui...
but the pic turned out good with yuni at the back...

selca with emcee yg kemerah-merahan bak tirai pentas...
bile tutup tirai ktorg dh x nmpk dh mane faiz n din...
sbb same je warne bj diorg ngn tirai tu...

wan with 1 of our singer that nite...
her voice is great!!!
but the PA system spoiled the performance...
dun worry jiamin...
ur voice was still outstanding even the music was terrible...
we enjoyed the performance...

ni gmbr curik dr jauh...
diorg tgh pose utk camera lain...
saje je xde keje...

but these are all from my camera...
sbb guna phone camera je kan n byk selca(self cam)...
tu yg bad quality n juz a few je...
still...i'm gonna upload those yg ade...
nnt la bile dh mampu beli dslr or adik beradik die tu...
bleh la share byk sket ngn semua...
so, overall despite one incident yg happen b4 the event started...
which i don't wanna talk about it...
jamuan raye ppsg is rated 7/10...

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